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Self Study Culture Course (A2)

This course is a self-study course.

Are you new to the Netherlands? Then it is nice to know more about Dutch customs and traditions. We take you on a cultural journey based on the seasons. We tell you about the Dutch people’s favourite topic of conversation: the changeable weather. The course is versatile because we provide recipes of Dutch delicacies, on the other hand, we discuss Dutch directness. But we start with fun stories about the most important part of Dutch culture: the Dutch language!

How does the course work?

There is a story in every lesson that you can read and listen to as a podcast. Then you can do exercises. To complete these exercises, it is possible to study the grammar. Each lesson has a memory game that contains all the words from the lesson.


Starts On 2024-07-27
Ends On 2024-07-27
Level Self Study Culture
Price 59,50