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Once you register for a Taalthuis course up to A2 level, you will receive a Taalthuis textbook and access to our e-learning platform. Taalthuis uses its own lesson method and e-learning for the Beginner and Intermediate levels. You can also purchase an additional preparation course for beginners and an online grammar module if you want to practice your basic grammar knowledge for only €29,50. You can purchase the grammar module together with a grammar book for €39,95. You can purchase the extra e-learning upon registration or by contacting us at info@taalthuis.nl.

To go to the e-learning environment, click here.

Once your course starts and if you are at Beginners Basic, Beginners Plus or Intermediate level, you will receive access to our e-learning platform at your own level. The online platform follows the pace of your course, so it has the same build-up and timeline. Besides the repetition and practice of the lessons that were addressed in class, the platform offers additional online exercises, vocabulary and songs to listen to, and grammar to download. You can also find the answers to the exercise book on e-learning.  For Beginner and Intermediate courses, Taalthuis uses its own lesson method. For Advanced levels, we use other lesson methods with matching e-learning programs.

Online Self-study Beginners Course

Taalthuis offers you a self-study beginners basic course with an extra grammar module. The course consists of 12 online lessons and is accompanied by a lesson book and a grammar book. You do the course at your own pace  ~sign up, and you will keep access to the e-learning for 3 months. This is the only possibility to do self-study. After finishing this course, it’s possible to join a Beginners Plus or Intermediate course supported by a teacher.

The online grammar module contains information from the grammar book combined with a lot of exercises to put your knowledge into practice. Because we’ve grouped all information and all exercises of our regular courses and added a lot of extra exercises, this module gives you a perfect overview of Dutch grammar.

You will receive a 2,5% discount code to sign up for these follow-up courses after registration.

Every lesson of the self-study course consists of:

  • Grammar
    You can find the grammar online and in the grammar book
  • Vocabulary
    All the vocabulary that is in the textbook is spoken in the lesson, and you can listen to it online
  • Exercises
    Online exercises and exercises in the textbook with online answers
  • Songs
    There are songs to listen to and gaps in the lyrics to fill in

Online preparation course

Students of the beginner courses can choose to do an extra online preparation course. Because whether you will travel to the Netherlands soon, or already are in the Netherlands waiting for a Dutch course to start, you want to be prepared!

The preparation course consists of 7 lessons and a test. Every lesson contains grammar to study, vocabulary and songs to listen to, and exercises to make. When you finish this Preparation course, for sure you want to learn more about the Dutch language and find out what life’s about in that beautiful green, flowery, sometimes cold and wet country!